Thursday, 23 May 2013

Object Oriented Programming Language

Object oriented paradigm can be describes the concept as 'objects', a real world entity which have some characteristics and behavior. characteristics are some attributes possessed by an object and behavior means the procedure associated with that object. An object oriented program consist of interacting objects which can interact amongst themselves to process the data. Objects are composed of nouns and verbs. Object oriented programming language follows bottom-up approach. In this, objects may be are of different types and number of objects of a particular type are known as instance of that type. Now days there are number of languages that are object oriented in nature but the first object oriented was SIMULA which was developed in 1960.
Some features of object oriented programming paradigm are :
1. Programs are divided into objects.
2. It focuses on data rather than  procedure.
3. Data structures are designed to characterize objects.
4. Methods that operate on data are tied together in the data structure.
5. Data can't be accessed by external methods.
6. Follows bottom-up approach.
7. Objects can communicate with each other.
8. New data and methods can be added.

Object oriented programming language uses some concepts which are as follows :
1. Objects
2. Classes
3. Abstraction
4. Inheritence
5. Polymorphism
6. Dynamic binding
7. Message passing

These concepts are described in the next post.

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