Hello Everyone
In this tutorial you are going to learn about angularjs with a basic program.
Angularjs works on SPA framework which means single page application. To run the following
program all you need is to download angular.min.js and save it in the folder which contains
the following file. Following programs itself explains through comments how angularjs is
working, It displays a textbox and whatever being entered in the textbox will be displayed
on the right of the textbox.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html data-ng-app=""> <!-- Here data-ng-app is a directives which tells thehtml new tricks-->
<head> <title>Learn Angularjs</title> </head> <body > Name : <input type="text" data-ng-model="name"/>{{name}} <!-- this defines a textbox with variable name - 'name' and {{name}} output the text of the textbox being entered in it by the user. data-ng-model is a directive and {{name}} is a data binding expression --> <div data-ng-init="names=['ajeet','ankit','bihar','rahul','sunny','chitrank']"> <!-- This div initialises the array 'names'--> <br> <ul> <li ng-repeat="dcmember in names">{{dcmember}}</li> <!-- ng-repeat directives repeats the elements of the array to be listed by the variable dcmember in the array names--> </ul> </div> <br> <div data-ng-init="customers=[{name:'ajeet',city : 'Mhow'},{name :'ankit',city : 'Dewas'}]"> <!-- Here customers is an array which consist of name and city of the customer--> <input type="text" data-ng-model="nametext">{{nametext}} <ul> <!--filter will display the result according to the text being entered in the textbox, orderBy will display the list in alphabetical order according to city--> <li ng-repeat="cust in customers | filter: nametext | orderBy : 'city'" >{{cust.name}} - {{cust.city}}</li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="angular.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
Monday, 30 December 2013
Angularjs Simple example
Monday, 23 December 2013
Introduction to javascript
Introduction to javascript : 1
Javascript is a very easy to learn language.
1. Printing text to console:
write the text in double quote which you want to print to console
ex. "This text will be printed on console";
2. Counting length of the string:
use length function to count the length of the string
ex. "sample".length;
3. Data types in javascript:
There are data types in many languages like numbers, string etc.
In JavaScript also there are data types like numbers and string.
The numbers written without double quotes are number ex. 43, 78.9.
The text written within double quotes are considered as string ex. "43", "javascript"
4. confirm function :
Confirm function is used to take response from the user for a particular action.
A confirm box appears on the screen with some display text, ok and cancel button.
ex. confirm("try again?");
5.Prompt function :
Prompt function provides interaction with user. It provides a input box to take input from the user.
ex. Prompt("What is your name?");
Javascript is a very easy to learn language.
1. Printing text to console:
write the text in double quote which you want to print to console
ex. "This text will be printed on console";
2. Counting length of the string:
use length function to count the length of the string
ex. "sample".length;
3. Data types in javascript:
There are data types in many languages like numbers, string etc.
In JavaScript also there are data types like numbers and string.
The numbers written without double quotes are number ex. 43, 78.9.
The text written within double quotes are considered as string ex. "43", "javascript"
4. confirm function :
Confirm function is used to take response from the user for a particular action.
A confirm box appears on the screen with some display text, ok and cancel button.
ex. confirm("try again?");
5.Prompt function :
Prompt function provides interaction with user. It provides a input box to take input from the user.
ex. Prompt("What is your name?");
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